Use this screen to edit your categories/tasks/findings and recommendations, add a new inspection for your shop, make changes to your inspection templates, or see what the most recent findings and recommendations are that your staff has added.

First, let's understand the difference between a "Category", a "Task", a "Finding", and a "Recommendation".  Here's how an inspection is laid out:

In this system, we are pushing the Tech to both tell us what they found in the "Findings" and what should be done about it by way of a "Recommendation"

Here's what you'll find in this section: (click a line to jump to that section)

  1. Icons used in this section

  2. Adding, editing or reordering categories

  3. Adding, editing or reordering tasks

  4. Locking a task to prevent addition of findings and recommendations

  5. Marking a task as Inactive (as opposed to deleting it)

  6. Cleaning up your findings and recommendations

  7. Edit inspection templates

Icons used in this section:
 Edit - Click this icon to edit the highlighted item
 Delete - This will only work if the item is not or has never been used in an inspection

 Active/Inactive - Click this item to make an item inactive.  Remember, we don't delete items as that could affect past inspections, we only make them inactive so they don't show up during the inspection process.

 Lock/Unlock - Click this icon to lock or unlock a task.  This is useful when you have populated the findings and recommendations as much as you want and you don't want a user adding any new findings or recommendations.


Adding a category:
click on the "Add Category" tab and type in the name of the category you wish to add.


Editing or reordering categories:
With your mouse hovering over a category line, the "Edit" icon appears to the right, just click the icon and make changes as needed.  To reorder categories, simply grab the category bar with your left mouse button and drag it to the position you wish.


Adding a Task:
Click on the category that you wish to add a task to and you will see a list of existing tasks.  To add a new one, Click the "+" button.


Editing or reordering tasks:
After you see the list of tasks associated with a category, you can easily edit them by clicking the edit button "", To reorder them, simply drag the task to the position you want it in.

Locking a task:
Locking a task is helpful for controlling the number of findings and recommendations that a user can add from the inspection.  You may have an employee that is constantly adding new findings and recommendations, rather than choosing one that is very similar that's already in the list.  To lock this down on an individual task, so that a user can no longer add findings and recommendations to that specific task by clicking the lock button "".  The other option would be to lock down a specific employee by changing their settings in "
Settings/Edit Mechanics


Marking a task as inactive:
You can make a task inactive, this means that it will no longer show in the list when selecting the tasks to include in an inspection that you are editing.  It will also be hidden from view while editing tasks under a category on the main "Inspection Management" page.  To make them inactive and hide them from view, click the inactivate button "".  To view hidden tasks, click the "Show Inactive" button. You can reactivate them by clicking the same icon.


Cleaning up your findings and recommendations:
Often we find that an employee has added new findings to a task and the spelling is off or it is duplicative of previous findings that should have been used.  We can edit the existing findings and recommendations by clicking the edit icon "".  Or we can "hide" or make "inactive" findings and recommendations that have already been added. Let's say that you have just started using the system and you'd like to pre-load it with findings and recommendations that you feel are appropriate for your shop.  Let's use power steering fluid for example.  You may want to only have several options for the tech to choose, such as "Fluid is low, top it off and check for leaks" and "Fluid is contaminated, flush power steering fluid".  If that's the case, go ahead and add the findings as you'd like and then lock the task so that no more can be added by employees.  If you've got a lot of findings already assigned to a task, this is a good place to start turning some of them off:


Another helpful tool when dealing with findings and recommendations is the ability to see those that have been added recently and be able to edit them or make them inactive in one easy location.  You can see the most recent findings by clicking "Inspection Lists/Latest Findings" from the toolbar. Once you have the list, you can easily inactivate findings or correct spelling issues


Editing Templates:
Often times we find the need to make changes to our existing inspection types or templates.  It's very easy with this program to make those changes, simply click on the "Edit Inspection Types" tab and you will see a list of your current inspection types/templates.  Each inspection type or template has several options. 

To add or delete categories and tasks from a specific inspection type/template, click the edit icon all the way to the right "" and it will open the template in edit mode below the list.  This will show you a complete listing of all categories and tasks and allow you to choose which categories and tasks you wish to assign to a template.  Simply click on a category, and select/deselect the tasks you wish to include.  Once you have completed your selection, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page to save your changes: